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Re: @Atheists: Do you hate religion? - March 8th 2011, 04:00 AM

Religion is a...horrible thing to me. more blood has been shed over God than anything else in the history of mankind. The idea of a God initially created to explain the unknown went on to define morality, wrong and right, and became a method of control.
I don't hate the point behind modern religions; they essentially try to help make a better world, even if it is entirely twisted.
But I absolutely despise the corruption. The taking that power and using it to ruin peoples lives, torment people who are different and don't adhere. Religion has become an extension of hate far too many times.

Yet religion has helped individuals, there is no denying that, but personally I believe that it's done more harm than good. I don't feel like getting too into this aspect, so lets just say that I despise religion but not it's most basic teachings of peace and love, teachings that have far too often been ignored or trampled.

But, your second question is more interesting. If I had the power, would I get rid of religion.
I must answer that 2 separate ways.
If somebody came up to me today and said, Dan, you have this power, you alone. Would I use it? No. I believe completely in the power of freedom and of choice. Which I suppose separates me from religion but let's not go there either. Basically, if people want to believe in a God, if it gets them through their day or life, then sure, they can. As long as they have the option to or not to, let them do what they please.
But I lived before religion (if there was such a time) and had the choice to stop it from happening, I just might because it would save so many lives.

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