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Name: Amanda Kate
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Re: Parents and Religion - February 22nd 2009, 12:15 AM

Both of my parents are Christian, but come from different denominations. My father is a Methodist and he holds those values to this day, but does not go to church. My mother was raised Baptist, but stopped going there after she heard a sermon relating to divorce and being with men after that. They basically said that anyone who gets divorced and then re-marries is an adulteress. At that point in time she had recently divorced her first husband and she ended up leaving the church because she did not hold that view.

Whenever I went to church, I was taken to my father's church. However, the two churches are not far apart and there are not a lot of kids in the area so the children are spread thin among the two churches, as well as others. I spent a lot of time in the Baptist church because every year they took turns hosting the Vacation Bible School.

Currently, I hold Christian beliefs but I've struggled with coming to a steady standpoint in what I believe in during the past couple of years. I've looked into other religions, dabbled into Wicca when I was much younger and considered it several times since then but I've always been taught that God is real, right, etc so I have a hard time seeing myself in a religion that is totally against that.

I honestly think that if I hadn't been raised in a house with Christian values, I wouldn't hold my views today. However, we don't go to church and neither of my parents are seriously religious so I feel the same way as they do on that subject. I think your parents teach you a lot, especially during the early years of your life and children are easily swayed. I don't think I would know as much about religion as I do now if they hadn't not talked about other religions with me. I think that a lot of people hold the same religious values as their parents, but it also works against them in a way. Some people end up hating the strict religion and totally changing their religion. It really depends on the person but I definitely think that parents lay a formation for your religious views to some extent. It would be very interesting if they did a study on this because this is something that I have wondered about for a very long time.
