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lanegwyn Offline
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - March 3rd 2011, 03:39 AM

Not that I actually want to say these things to these people:
-Your life started out rough, but the reason I can't talk to you sometimes now is that I'm so freaking jealous of what your life is now. I can't deal with hearing about what I'm missing, what you have, what you do, who you get to see and know. Too much. It's not like you don't deserve it, but I hope you appreciate how lucky you are (familial bullshit notwithstanding).

-fdjkasljfdsklfjsdkljfsdklafjsdklfjsdklfjasdlk. I can't even. I... no. But one thing I do want to ask, is do you know how I feel about you? And, what exactly do you think of me and how can I fix it? And, does it matter to you if I care? Would you think that's flattering or pathetic?

-Ask me. Go on. I'd love to tell you, honestly, in detail. I need to tell you. Ask, soon. I know you won't.

-What have we done.


-You said you'd invite me over for drugs. You haven't. Why not? Do I have to wait until college for every first?

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