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guillotine_blades Offline
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Re: How to induce a miscarriage?? - March 2nd 2011, 04:01 PM


Ok first of all, the herb black cohosh that you mentioned is extremely dangerous if used incorrectly, as is taking too much vitamin C (which I doubt you noticed but in most of the over the counter vitamin C supplements there is also another supplement added in there that counteracts what you are using it for) You can end up destroying your liver, kidneys, and basically all YOUR functions of life. Also, if it DOESN'T work, and there is an extremely high chance of it not working at all, you would either have to go to a medical professional to get an abortion anyways, or you risk having a child with EXTREME birth defects.

and inducing a miscarriage IS an abortion. You are just taking the extremely dangerous way about it. If you truley do not want to have a child, you need to go to A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL and go about it the right way.

I am all for a woman's right to choose, but do it safely! Don't put your life in serious danger for something you can be an adult about and go about the right way

"omg i might be pregnant!?!?!"

"ok..calm down..pee on your keyboard...nope its negative"

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