Originally Posted by Tubby Custard
Here is what e-how has to say:
Also, if you want to be a little intimate and she doesn't, you could suggest you help her rub in some anti-stretch mark cream or just simple lotion on her belly. It could be a nice bonding activity. Or just give her a full out massage with some kisses intermixed.
Just be careful with how you word the "help her rub in some anti-stretch mark cream" lol A pregnant womans hormones and insecurities can instantly interpret that to many off the wall things! lol. She might be dealing with a lot of insecurities in her head right now, am I getting too fat, is he still attracted to me, will the stretch marks turn him off, I will never look the same EVER again, is he going to go somewhere else and get it from a woman who doesn't have a road map covering her stomach and feels like a horse...