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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - March 1st 2011, 02:25 AM

Jeni: You honestly make me feel loved. You have no idea how much it meant to me to be the first one you let read your book. You have no idea how much it means to me that you took my advice and used it in your story. You have no idea how much it means to me that I was the first person you told about doing National Novel Writing Month. You honestly could have no idea. I'm not just the kid sister anymore, words can't describe how much I love you for realizing that. Thank you for telling me things you don't tell anyone else. You believe that I'm not going to laugh at you, you know that I won't. You're my big sister and I love you to death, but I love you even more when you show me that you care like you did with that letter you wrote to me. I don't always show it, but I'm blessed to have you in my life, and I love you so much sissy. <333

Eric: Do you know that the letter you wrote to me made me cry? Just thinking about it makes me cry. Everything you wrote in there, so true. I didn't know that those little things that happened in the past, they seemed so insignificant at the time, I had no idea that you appreciated them that much. I did want to be in the attic with the great grandkids watching for Santa, sure they were a handful, but didn't their parents do the same for me? You did the same for me. You're right Eric, we're the bookends, we're the Es. We're on opposite ends of the birth order, but we're alike in so many ways. And everything you wrote made me want to cry even harder. There is a reason you're my favorite sibling, there is a reason that I picked you and not anyone else to be my Confirmation sponsor. It's because I happen to love you just a little bit more. <333
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