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her_beautiful_mistake Offline
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Re: @Atheists: Do you hate religion? - February 28th 2011, 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by Xujhan View Post
I feel like I'm correcting people on this multiple times every day.

Just because I don't respect Christianity doesn't mean I don't respect you. You are much more than just the sum of the ideals you subscribe to. Hating Christianity is not the same as hating Christians, just as hating mathematics isn't the same as hating mathematicians. They're not even similar things. This attitude that an attack on your beliefs constitutes an attack on you is not only wrong, it's damaging. Ideas need to be discussed; it's the only good way to separate good ideas from bad ones. Getting offended by criticism of your ideas shuts down honest and open discussion and ultimately benefits no one. This notion that some ideas should be beyond the realm of open criticism is incredibly insidious, and ultimately constitutes little more than a shield behind which bad ideas can hide.
quoted for truth

(RAH)² + (AH)³ + RO(MA + MAMA) + (GA)² + OOH + (LA)² = Bad Romance

Religion is like a penis.
It's fine to have one.
It's fine to be proud of it.
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE don't try and shove it down my throat.
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