On a potentially more serious note -
I genuinely think that believing there is a man in the sky controlling your life etc etc is some kind of psychosis.
Not that I would openly share that with religious communities, because I do find religion
fascinating. Not so much Christianity which in the grand scheme of religions is kind of dull - Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism - all amazing religions and so although I cannot even begin to comprehend how someone could believe what these religions state, in some ways I'm envious that the follows are able to just commit themselves so completely. I'd love to have a faith that allowed me to genuinely believe someone had my back, had a plan for me. Or would I? Sometimes yes, sometimes it's nice to know that it's me that determines my future.
So for the large part I respect people's belief system and will endeavour to understand it as much as possible.
I get angry when people try and use religion to influence politics and law. No.