Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
February 24th 2011, 03:45 AM
I put lesbian just because beside gay it said male... but when people ask me about my sexual orientation I just say gay... idk... i'd 'lesbian' is something I consider to be for more of the femme people.
And I chose 'No Gender' because I'm not really sure there's such a thing as gender aside from the anatomical parts. Because without gender binaries there's really no such thing as gender. I don't feel like a 'girl' or like a 'boy'; I like things girls like and I like things boys like.. it's rather 50-50 with me.
1:44 PM [Cassago] I'll be your glass slipper, if you'll be my foot..
1:45 PM [Boxy] i'll be your foot anyday
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