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Re: @Atheists: Do you hate religion? - February 23rd 2011, 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by mIssIng:nO View Post
Wrong, completely wrong.

As the Bible or any holy book is just guidelines on how to live, its the PEOPLE who blow it way out of context and start the fights/wars/disputes/pain, what ever you want to call it.
I wouldn't say he is completely wrong, because I don't think he's actually far off the mark. Like I said, I don't hate religion at all, and I do believe that good things can come of it. But that doesn't change the fact that there has been fighting in its name.

As for the people blowing it out of proportion, that is absolutely true. People do blow holy scriptures out of proportion quite a bit. However, there are violent passages in a lot of the books. Whether the people choose to take those passages literally or allegorically is, naturally, dependent upon the person, which leads us back to the people blowing it out of proportion. But the people who do blow it out of proportion usually aren't pulling their beliefs out of thin air. There is usually at least one passage that stimulates these beliefs. Plus, fundamentalism (which I mentioned is really the only subcategory of religion that I have an issue with) does restrict your critical thinking skills. So while religion in general may not, there are some sects that do.

I think there is a lot of good and evil in religion, and like we can't say all Germans are evil because of what Hitler did (that's obviously false and ignorant), we can't say all religion is evil. But that doesn't mean that there is no evil or misunderstanding surrounding it.
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