Thread: im pregnant!
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TakeTheLeap Offline
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Re: im pregnant! - February 22nd 2011, 11:39 PM

What I don't understand is that you were actively TRYING to get pregnant at such a young age, KNOWING that your mother wouldn't approve and could kick you out as well as put your boyfriend in prison. You're scared to tell your mother, yet you did nothing to stop it. It would be one thing if you were using protection and it just happened by chance.
You're not setting yourself up to be in a good position - you OR the baby. How do you plan on supporting the baby financially? I'd hope you'd be staying in school, your boyfriend will be working, and where will the baby be? It's hard enough on a one income family to survive with a good paying job... Forget about one where you're getting paid minimum wage or slightly more.
Think LOGICALLY about this. A baby is way too expensive to raise for young kids who don't have high enough of an education to get a decent paying job. Even if the both of you get jobs, you'll still be scrounging to get by. You don't want to put yourself through that. It's way too much stress which can very negatively impact home life for not only you, but the child as well. When a family is suffering financially, the children know it, even at a very young age, because they see the effect it has on them.

Please consider adoption or at least telling your parents and asking for their support. You don't want to put yourself in a situation with no support at all.

“Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time. You may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." ~Jon Bon Jovi