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KittySummer Offline
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Name: Kitty
Age: 32
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - February 20th 2011, 05:02 AM

Jenn: Stop trying to be my mother. I love you to death but you are my SISTER. I can't confide in you if I feel like all you're going to do is fucking judge me and scold me and reprimand me like our mother should be doing! Let her do her job, okay? You need to stop being such a helicopter parent, i'm eighteen years old, I can do things for myself. You always praise me for having a mind of my own and for not just doing what everyone else is doing because they're doing it, can't you just trust me to have half a mind to say no to some things?! ESPECIALLY when you know that I know it'll be wrong?! Just let me do my thing, i'm not going to fuck the wrong guy like you did, and i'm not going to become a fucking coke head like you, I'm smarter, and probably stronger than you could ever DREAM of being, so shut the fuck up and let me live my life for one, you overbearing son of a nutcracker.

Mom: I love you to death, and I know that you only want what is best for me but PLEASE stop coddling me. I can make my own decisions, and when I make a big one you will know, I can't keep secrets from you unless I think they're going to hurt you, and even then when I think you need to know I tell you. I'm a good kid, you know that, just please, trust me, okay?

Dad: Fuck you. You hurt me deeper than a lot of the people that I know, and I've been fucked over pretty damn bad.I am not you, I couldn't recover when my friend died, I haven't forgotten about how you bitched to mom that I had "no life" and spent all the time on my friggin computer. My friends all ditched me, NO ONE talked to me after Roberta died, I didn't have anyone to turn to. When you say shit like that I don't feel like I can turn to you either. And fuck you for trying to talk me out of college. Times are different. I'm not going to work for you company, your pride and joy is my personal hell. It is the thing that has almost torn our family apart, it is the thing that keeps you away from us every night. That is evil, I hate it and you are NOT going to get me trapped in there. I refuse to. I help you out when you need it because I do love you but you need to realize that your business is NOT my dream. I have my own path I need to follow, I have my own person I need to be. I am not going to follow you around like the little chick that your other daughter is, and you need to learn to deal with that. I don't want any part of your business. I don't want to be involved with it, I don't even want to hear about it. Give me a reason to love you other than because you are here financially or because you paid for my boyfriend to come here. You can't ignore me my whole life and expect a few acts of kindness to make up for everything that was lost. Are you ever going to understand that?
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