Medication or Counselling? -
February 19th 2011, 11:30 PM
I went to see my doctor two weeks ago and explained to her how things had gotten downhill since the last time I saw her. I told her about how I've missed a lot of college because I can't deal with getting up and having to face the day. She gave me a sheet to fill out which is just rating how many days out of the past two weeks have I felt certain ways or been thinking certain things. I'm going back on Tuesday to see her and she wanted me to think about going on anti depressants. Because I've turned 18 since I last saw her, the NHS' approach to how to 'treat' me has changed drastically.
I told her at the time that I didn't really want to have counselling because last time she sent me to a psychiatric nurse it ended pretty badly and the one I spoke to in college a few months back just.. didn't work out for me. At all.
But my girlfriend is coming with me when I go back and she thinks I should reconsider counselling, maybe with a female this time since both the psych and the college counsellor were male. She says that medication might make me happier (though it could take a long time and several different kinds of meds to find one that works) but it wouldn't solve any of my problems. Or make them go away.
So I could do with some opinions on this. What are your experiences with having to open up to a counsellor on a weekly basis and of different medications? Anything you can tell me would help.
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