Why so Serious?
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Re: @Atheists: Do you hate religion? -
February 19th 2011, 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Chromata
I dislike religion itself and the bad things it causes, but I don't generally hate religious people. (I draw the line at when some of them start trying to convert other people.) I can half-understand why they believe what they believe; they want answers for the tough questions in life and religion gives them answers. However, I certainly don't agree with them.
That being said it's an "easy" way out. Personally I am not completely athiest I don't think I believe in spirits and life lessons. I don't believe in religion however. There is no religion for "the great" spirits and they arn't taken as one. Now i don't actually know if i'd be consider an atheist because I don't like religion and believe in the spirits or not but here is what i think anyway.
I think religion is a bad thing, it's like...I'm not even sure how to explain it. It almost like people who are desperate for answers turn to some delusion so they don't have to think for themselves. My dad's best friend is a messed up dude he's hardcore into religion and sits around on his ass, he doesn't take the initiative to go apply for a bunch of jobs. he tells us he's waiting for answers from god. where does that get him? back in a casino gambling away his life not to be seen or heard from in over a year and a half. religion to me just seems silly and personally i really dislike catholic and christianity. For all we know some schizophrenic guy could have wrote the bible maybe it was all in our head. there is no proof of jesus or any other god for that matter ever existing. it's frustrating that so many religious groups think you must believe in their god(s) other wise you are potentially a bad person. there are all sorts of silly rules and regulations that create so much tension in society that doesn't need to exist. im more than certain that part of the reason society is so against homosexuality is because the bible suggests its a sin. SO many people have died do to stupid things like this. and THAT is why I find religion so infuriating. I will respect others choices to believe although i can't help but think it's really not their CHOICE to believe. but i don't respect religion
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. PM me if you need to talk about ANYTHING. 
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