Originally Posted by Jack
Well, no, a religion is a belief in a deity or an afterlife (I do realise that isn't the greatest definition of religion, but my point stands). It is not just a belief in anything. Hence a belief in the ideology of the conservative party is not a religious belief, although I would consider it equally misguided.
Again, not really. Simply because we don't understand something does not mean it is illogical. Logic and understanding are separate.
Different people interpret the meaning of religion differently. I wasn't very good explaining that but it's also not easy to explain. To me religion means a belief in something, and that something
can be almost anything. I do remember back in school during Religious Study lessons there being talk of some minor religion, which didn't place faith in any god or afterlife as such (although there are always variations), but somehow tried to descrive purpose in life and pre-life (i.e. what happens before you're born). It was weird yea... but it gives you a better idea of the variety of possible religions out there. A religion isn't something you can have patented not really.
And by saying that something we don't understand is illogical to us... I do mean it. Thruthfully, there's a reason for everything yes... so there's logic behind everything, that's a purely scientific way of looking at it, but at far as people are concerned we don't know everything and so don't know the logic behind some things. So as far as people are concerned some things remain illogical to us, simply because we don't understand them. That's my view.