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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - February 17th 2011, 12:29 AM

You're making me cry again. Not yet, but I know my two-week streak of cut free is going to be over soon if you don't freaken stop this. I want you to hate me, I want you to never look at me with a smile again, I want you to think I'm horrible and mean and never talk to me again. I want you to be everything but what you are. Stop giving me hearts, stop making me cry, stop making me fall in love. I know that I'm going to get hurt so fucken stop it! I'd rather you hate me then go through everything I had to in fifth grade when I was stupid enough to crush on my best guy friend. I'd rather you never talk to me again so I won't fucken fall in love. I care about you too much.
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