I agree that there is a difference about being open about it and being attention seeking.
Like alot of you I used to be friends with a girl that exaggerated her
SH and sometimes faked doing it by wearing a bandage one day and then nothing being there the next day with the bandage off.
When it first came out about my
SH 2 1/2 years ago I became open about it addmitting I had done it to friends and people saw in PE but I never went around going look what I've done look look I only went as far as addmitting that I had and sometimes why...That was me being open not attention seeking, but I did get accused of attention seeking...
These acccusations meant that the following year and this year I have been much more serative...In my most resent relapses I only told 2 people....My other friends didn't find out until school started getting involved again and that was a long time after my relapse.... alll because I didnt want to accused of being attention seeking and ignored as a consequence...
I think that this was unhealthy for me and to some extent my friends all because of the attention seeking stereotype...
I hope that one day people being attention seeking will realise how they are making things worse for every single Self harmer....
Though I do think that people doing it for attention seeking reasons are doing it for a reason and need help as much as the rest of us...