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Re: Pregnant Woman Takes Abortion Pill Due To Pharmacy Error - February 11th 2011, 02:02 AM

The pharmacy fucked up. But you can't deny the woman was an idiot here too. She is pregnant! If there is an info booklet, she SHOULD read it to make sure her doctor didnt mess up. But even just check the name.I mean really, take some self responsibility and take these basic precautions, other people can fuck up, so if you are in a situation, like being pregnant, add in your own checks, to try ensure the safest possibility. It clearly wasn't that hard, the article pointed out that she worked out it was the wrong meds by checking the bottle after she felt ill.

Originally Posted by ball&chain View Post
I wonder what was prescribed to her tbh, because I assume the abortion pill would only be one or two pills. Anything I can think of that would be safe for her to take during pregnancy (depression meds, vitamins, nausea meds are a few I can think of) would comes in a bottle of more than a couple pills. That would have sent off red flags for me :/
Did you read the article at all? No? "Silva said the pharmacist at the Ft. Lupton Safeway gave her the prescription of methotrexate. Methotrexate is used in chemotherapy regimens to treat cancer, but it is also used to terminate early-stage pregnancies."