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CherriesBlossom Offline
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Re: Attention Cutting Vs. Being Open - February 10th 2011, 12:40 AM

Even the people who lie about this issue still have something wrong with them. They would have to have a deep root issue in another area of their lives to make them feel the need to even come to such a drastic conclusion and/or lie. People don't just wake up and say I'm going to go out and tell people I cut when I don't. And even if they did, they still have a mental problem. So in all honesty I would say don't be so judgmental because everyone has a story and no one know 100% of another persons life.

I have encountered that situation when I was a cutter. A friend blatantly lied about self harming and it later came out she didn't. Of course I was mad, because she had the audacity to take a serious issue to many people and lie about it. Later on I realized I wasn't mad because she lied, I was mad because he didn't know what if felt like to have the pain and seek for relief like many self harmers do. Maybe that is why your mad or maybe not. But just because she didn't understand exactly the pain or what I was going through in order to have no options left turn to cutting doesn't mean she didn't have issues of her own.

Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.