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Re: Attention Cutting Vs. Being Open -
February 9th 2011, 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Come As You Are.
This. I'm not saying that people who self-harm and put pictures on Facebook or whatever are undeserving of help or 'annoying', but they're making a spectacle of themselves. If you're cutting to fit into a stereotype, then there's something much worse going on. There's a HUGE difference between cutting to fit in and cutting to cope. Personally, I would have a lot more sympathy for someone who didn't feel the need to tell the entire world they were cutting. If you're hurting, ask for help. Posting pictures on Facebook and tagging it as emo is hardly a genuine-sounding cry for help. The reason I say this is because they know that lots of people are going to see it, comment, and therefore pay more attention to them. I think the only time I would EVER post pictures of my self harm on Facebook was if it got to the point where I needed help, any kind of help. And even if I did, I certainly wouldn't be tagging it as 'emo'. Putting these kinds of images and whatnot out there cheapens it. If someone is looking for help through making a album on Facebook entirely of their cuts, then they're either really desperate or really attention seeking.
I agree! >.>