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Re: Pregnant Woman Takes Abortion Pill Due To Pharmacy Error - February 8th 2011, 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by TranquilChaos View Post
I just don't see how this error could have been made if they followed all the normal procedures, without being careless. They should check birth date, address, etc. Every pharmacy I've ever been to has done so.
I completely agree. Any pharmacy I've been to has made me give my name and birth date before they will give me the prescription to make sure I'm getting the right one. There really is no excuse for a mix up imo.

At the same time, I have to put some blame on the woman (although I still find the pharmacy mostly at fault). All of my prescriptions come with an information booklet describing what the drug does, risks and side effects. Also on the bottle it gives the name of the drug, my name and directions for taking it. I always read the information and never just start popping pills. Even if its something I've gotten prescribed more than once and am aware of directions and side effects.

I wonder what was prescribed to her tbh, because I assume the abortion pill would only be one or two pills. Anything I can think of that would be safe for her to take during pregnancy (depression meds, vitamins, nausea meds are a few I can think of) would comes in a bottle of more than a couple pills. That would have sent off red flags for me :/

When reality is a prison, your mind can set you free.

Last edited by Jocelyn.; February 8th 2011 at 05:54 PM.
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