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Harmony♥ Offline
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 8th 2011, 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by Jaden89 View Post
You know, while she is young I've seen younger moms out there, telling her she should get an abortion or look into adoption is kind of cruel. That is her decision to make and with family support she could very well raise the child perfectly fine IF she is even pregnant.

Completely agreed. A girl friend of mine got pregnant at just 14 years old, and had her baby and her baby just turned a year old back in September. With help and support from family, she can very well keep the baby if she wants too.

Abortion isn't exactly an easy decision for those who have to make it. I've seen a lot of girls go to the clinic to go get one done, then come back and say they couldn't do it.

Adoption isn't exactly easy either. I know for me, had I gotten pregnant at a younger, teen age, I would have kept my baby, simply because the thought of my child being with other people being their parents broke my heart.

But, without help and support from parents, chances of keeping the baby would be tough. Their not cheap, and with her only being 15 years old, she'd need a work permit to find a job. And, she'd need her parents consent to get a checking account. If there were no other options for her with her parents, adoption would probably be the best bet.

There is always open adoption, where you can get photo's and letter's from the new "parents" about your baby, and phone calls to them. You can even see your baby. If that'd be too hard, then closed adoption is another option.

There are always options to consider.