Originally Posted by Ella.x
I can see both sides of the argument here. Anyone who feels the need to hurt themselves or even pretend to obviously needs help to deal with whatever is making them feel like that. However, knowingly and deliberately hurting other people by flaunting your self harm or by lying about doing to make yourself seem "cool" is completely wrong. But still, anyone who is that desperate to fit in or get attention obviously needs help. One of my friends had a girlfriend and when he broke up with her, she was on msn to him saying that she was cutting herself. It turned out that she was lying about it to hurt him, but to be honest, even that is a sign that she needed to learn how to cope with difficult situations, even though she was lying. She had absolutely no right to do that to my friend and I saw exactly what it did to him, but yes, even she needed help even if she did act like a complete and utter b*tch
I see both sides of this too, now that I see what other peoples opinions are.