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Name: Amanda Kate
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Re: Tattoo Tomorrow! - February 5th 2011, 05:58 AM

Okay guys, I've had it done. It wasn't that bad. The guy that did it did my dad's first tat. He has a lot of awards, member of a ton of tattoo associations, etc. He used to tattoo in LA as well but came back to be close to home.

I've attached a picture. In case you don't know, I play softball. This is a yellow heart with softball stitching, in case you can't tell.

He finished me up around 7pm and it's about 1am now... he told me to wait until around 4pm tomorrow, take a hot bath to loosen up the bandage so I'll be able to get it off. He said if I take it off dry, well it'll be stuck to my skin and it won't be good. However, bandage looks yucky and I've got some stuff I need to do tomorrow morning, I'm worried I might get hot and start sweating, loosening the tape on the bandage and what not.

So I'm wondering if I should take a bath tomorrow morning, before I go about my day?
Attached Thumbnails
