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Name: Laura
Age: 32
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Re: Parents and Religion - February 20th 2009, 08:41 PM

I've been a free thinker all my life. (My dad continually got pissed because I kept asking him questions about the Bible that he couldn't answer. This was from age 3-7. )

So, I doubt my parent's beliefs would change that. I'm too stubborn to just go along with whatever is put in front of me. I fight it if it's not something I can wholly believe in.

At age 10, I might have been still in the church, but doubting it. I'd probably discover the beliefs I have now later on in life, but I'd still find them somehow.

"How dare I? Because it is the truth." -Jane Eyre

"You do what you love, and f#%* the rest." -Little Miss Sunshine

Last edited by Lorelei; February 20th 2009 at 08:50 PM.