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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - January 29th 2011, 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by Forgotten View Post
Girls: Why do you date assholes, just because they're hot?

Or is that only 14 year old girls?
In my case, I didn't know he was a jerk until we were well into the relationship. None of our friends spoke up when we first started dating, and he was a decent actor, so I didn't pick up on the "jerkiness" until I was already emotionally invested in the relationship.

Of course, he wasn't what most people would call "hot"... although he was in my eyes. =P

Other theories I can come up with include:
- Girl just wants a fling/casual relationship, so looks are more important and personality doesn't count for as much.
- Girl doesn't feel like she deserves a nice guy, so she goes for whoever will have her (usually the jerks).
- Girl wants to move up in social ranking, so putting up with a jerk seems like a small price to pay.
- Guy isn't actually as big of a jerk as you think he is (although that's unlikely).