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Just Peachy. Offline
Normality, my friends.
Jeez, get a life!
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All about Bullying. - January 28th 2011, 10:46 PM

Hopefully this thread will get you all thinking about bullying a little more and how to prevent it, and not do it.

Yesterday at school, I saw someone who obviously is disabled, and tormented. They commented about her looks, and how she couldn't walk or talk properly. They just made awful comments. I intervened, and stuck up for her.

How horrible is it that people are getting bullied for something they can't help? It broke my heart. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, is beautiful.

Here are things I think you guys should take notice of:

-What do you do when you see someone getting bullied?

-Step in and stick up for that person. You can prevent them from hurting themselves, or others. And just showing that you care, means A LOT to that person.

-Tell a teacher or an adult, if you don't feel comfortable standing up for the person. An adult can handle the situation.

-If you are in the public, and you are the only witness where there is weapons involved, contact the police. They are going to want you to fill out a statement, but it needs to be stopped.

-Befriend someone who you wouldn't normally, or someone who doesn't have friends at all. We all want a good friend. Everyone of us.

What to do when YOU'RE being bullied?

-Remove yourself from any bullying situation. After that, tell someone.

-Defend yourself. If you are being bullied, you have that right to defend yourself.

-Report them, to whoever the appropriate people are. And if you don't feel safe, stay with that person. Tell them you feel like your safety is at risk.

-If they blow your report off, report it again, and again, and again. Get 'annoying.' Bullying starts, and stops with people. You can stop it.

What constitutes as bullying?
-Rude comments about the following:
-Sexual Orientation
-Color of skin

-Physical violence, and verbal violence.

Types of Bullying:
-Verbal bullying including rude comments and name calling
-Bullying through social groups
-Bullying through lies, and false rumors
-Being threatened or forced to do things
-Cyber Bullying (Via internet, text, email)

Please try and avoid making jokes about the above. What you think is a joke, might not be a joke to others. If someone asks you to stop. Then do it. You can get in a lot of serious trouble for 'joking' and bullying in general.

Why Do Some People Bully?
-Trying to gain approval from peers
-A way of coping
-To look tough
-Raise self esteem

The Impacts On the People Being Bullied
-Low self esteem
-Substance abuse
-Bad grades
-Potential carrying of weapons

Impact On the People Who Witness Bullying
-Powerless to act
-Guilty for not acting
-Tempting to participate
-PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Online Bullying:
-What was said above applies to online bullying as well. This is where things become unclear. We are all safe behind our computer screens (provided we don't give out personal info, and I hope we don't) therefore people start to harass and bully people they feel superior to.

For example: If you sign up for some sort of website where there is communication with others that are taking place, most times older users will feel superior to the new members, thus making it so they can bash them

I just want you all to realize that words on the computer hurt just as much as any thing else. They can affect us in a negative way. Sometimes in an extreme negative way. if you take anything from this: Try to be careful with your words, and be respectful of everyone.

Bullying is becoming increasingly worse as time goes by. I think that we all need to take a stand and support each other; Online and offline. Stick up for someone getting bullied, especially if you were bullied at one time in your life. We all know how it feels to be hurt by someones words.

Like I said, please watch what you say to people. You have no idea about their past and history.
Put yourself in others shoes.

Last edited by Rob; October 13th 2013 at 08:50 PM.
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