Aside from the irrationality of blaming TV for the problem (always reminds me of the old question "If it told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?"), there is perhaps a valid point being made about the increasingly sexualised society we live in. Indeed, I recall reading something where they were practically bragging about the fact that we lived in a more sexualised society (and no, it wasn't Playboy

) in terms of the topic of sexual liberation. As life so often demonstrates, however, no action is without consequence and if you have a more sexualised society there is room for this to happen. (Note there is a difference between "sexualised society" and "talking about sex" - the Netherlands has a strong reputation for the latter but also has a strong ethos on family which prevents the former being so strong) Food for thought perhaps.
Other than that and unfortunate statistics for that school, teenage pregnancy is not new and it does surprise me that people seem so shocked when it happens considering the nature of the world we live in. And yes, that show really is awful...