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Megan1 Offline
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Re: Children learning about religion - January 22nd 2011, 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by Kyeto-X View Post
I am IN a Christian school at the moment and I can tell you going to a christian school does not guarantee anything. In fact, being surrounded by so many like-minded people can make some people grow lazy in their faith by not being antagonized and having to defend anything, so they grow use to being spoon fed the Gospel and Bible and never having to DO anything to grow. Sometimes being in the world and meeting people with different ideas gives you more to defend your own ideas with.
Of course it doesn't guarantee anything. Nothing guarantees that my kids will be Christians.....but if I raise them knowing the truth about God, they see their parents living it, AND they have Christian fellowship at school/church/home, there is a much better chance than if I do nothing.

And I definitely agree that they will need to sometimes be around non-Christians so that they can share their faith and grow stronger by knowing that there are other things out there and that the world isn't all a perfect happy Christian place. However, they can experience the "real world" without actually having to be a big part of it, simply by the random people who they meet every day. There are tons of non-Christian places that we will have to go every day (stores, the park, being around kids in the neighborhood, family, any extra curricular sports and acitivities that they are in outside of school, etc).