Originally Posted by Megan1
I can't force my kids to be Christians. If they tell me that they don't want to be Christians or don't want to go to Christian school, I can't force them because forcing them will only turn them farther away from God. However, I am going to raise them to WANT God as much as I possibly can. Of course it's possible that they will turn away anyways, and if so I will still love them just the same (just won't love their decision).
I know tons and tons of parents who raised their kids as Christians going to Christian school and the kids became Christians too, willingly. Of course that doesn't happen 100% of the time, but you can't say that my kids are going to turn away from God just because I send them to Christian school.
I know. It sounded like you were saying that sending them to a Christian school will make them stronger in their faith. But if you are going to indoctrinate them from birth, the plan sounds good.