Re: What's it like to be pregnant? -
January 18th 2011, 08:51 PM
1st month- puke
2nd month-puke
3rd month- puke with the hopes it will go away
4th month-more puke
5th month-more puke
6th month-still more puke..
7th month- little less puke
8th month-less puke
9th month-no puke
delivery- more puke lol.
It can be scary being pregnant because of the things that can go wrong.. We had a scare around my 7th month baby wasn't moving so we called the hospital and they suggested some things to get him to move.. He moved lol.
Then on my due date I had to be induced at my weekly checkup because baby's heart rate was rising and falling and my blood pressure was doing the same.
I ended up passing out around my 5th month while I was at the store with my mom, my sister, and my brother... hit my face on a kiosk then managed to get myself to the bathroom while still pretty much blacked out.. a store clerk came in cause she saw me hit the floor, she thought I was drunk lol. When I told her I was prego she called my mom and then kept asking if I wanted an ambulance.. Mom brought me soda and sister walked me to the car. Baby was fine, and I was fine but it was scary.
If I wasn't puking, I was eating, just so I could puke more. I couldn't eat enough food to make myself gain weight but baby gained weight just fine.
I wasn't very emotional though, just pretty much normal.
I think the better your support system during pregnancy the easier it seems.
.:6:21 a.m.:.
.:Logan Jacob:.
Baby HunterComing 7/12/14
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