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Name: Brandon
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Re: Kenneth Tong Promoting Anorexia -
January 9th 2011, 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by dancinfool
How can a mental illness be a conscious decision?? You think people 'decide' to develop schizophrenia? or decide to develop an OCD? They do have a choice to get treatment or not but its hardly 100% effective.
Condoms aren't 100% effective, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't use them to practice safe sex. If someone acknowledges that they have a mental illness and wants to attempt to make a change, any effectiveness would be worth it. "Failure is only when you give up." So the "100% effective" isn't a good argument. As long as there is a choice, then quite simply...there is a choice. No ands, if's, but's about it. It might be a difficult choice, but still a choice regardless. Someone has finally presented a valid argument about "becoming anorexic," at which point...I agree. But that doesn't really change anything because you have the option to seek help. It's ultimately your choice, regardless of how difficult it is. Humans are pretty amazing creatures...we have the capacity of doing amazing things, so it's entirely possible for someone suffering with anorexia to make the choice to seek help and decide to make a change in his/her life.
Originally Posted by dancinfool
One of my friends with anorexia has seen psychiatrists, been hospitalised twice and had all sorts of 'treatment plans' yet still is still ill and underweight.
This could be just a matter of opinion, but I think that if you really want to change, you have to desire it. I mention that earlier in this thread, so I'm certainly not the only person who has that mentality. You can become hospitalized and anything else, but if you don't have enough motivation to change, then you probably won't. "You are what you say you are."
Originally Posted by dancinfool
If an anorexic doesn't want help, fine. But if someone is seeking treatment but struggling with it, the twitter thing is really not what they need to listen to. Yes they can choose not to, but they have a mental illness.. so they possibly won't..
Lol, people are misinterpreting a lot of my stuff. Can't say I don't blame them though. I guess this is a rather touchy subject, people get angry, and don't bother to thoroughly read my responses. If you read and interpret my responses, I never say that you should promote anorexia to people who are seeking treatment. You're putting words in my mouth. You're arguing over something I never said. lol. But in the end, if you're seeking treatment, then you don't need to be following that person on twitter. Like several people have mentioned, it's freedom of speech. He's not forcing you to look at his twitter, nor is all the other people who are blogging about "thinspiration" and such.