Thread: Triggering (ED): Kenneth Tong Promoting Anorexia
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Re: Kenneth Tong Promoting Anorexia - January 9th 2011, 01:38 AM

Originally Posted by dancinfool View Post

You might, but I doubt thats what Kenneth Tong is doing or it wouldn't be as much of an issue. I have nothing against offering ill people advice on how to get better and manage their condition but I do have a problem with offering them advice on how to get worse! I'm not saying at all this is something you personally would do, but that it happens and is why people have such strong reactions to stuff like this.
And this is why I said from the beginning that it depends, meaning that I'm not FOR or AGAINST what he's saying or doing, but it depends on what specifically we're talking about. I only offer people advice who want to get better, or I just don't offer advice at all. This is why I'm rarely in the depression forum because I know that my advice in that forum would contradict a lot of people's opinions regarding the meaning of "support and advice." So I have boundaries, but I don't see any point in offering advice to someone who doesn't want to get better. My two favorite self-help books that I've read, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey and Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins, basically say that if you want to change, you have to have the desire to change...otherwise it ain't happening. If you don't want to change, then I'd be wasting my time trying to convince you to change. It's really up to you. But if you make a conscious decision to change, even if it contradicts my beliefs, I'm going to support that. It's their life, they make their own decisions, so whatever I say or do doesn't force them to do anything.