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Re: mother+alcohol= :( sad me - January 6th 2011, 03:57 AM

Hello Aria and welcome to this website. There is no need to apologize whatsoever and there is absolutely nothing pointless and stupid about what you said; it is good that you posted about these issues here as this is just what this forum is for, this problem is obviously bothering you.

Dealing with this constant barrage of verbal abuse is definitely hard and this is the type of thing that nobody should have to face from a parent, is obvious that your mother is not in her right state of mind. Trying to block these bad things she says is obviously difficult, especially since this is how she has been for most of your life. Just remember though, her insults have zero legitimate meaning. I can tell you are strong and obviously you have a much brighter future.

Personally I think that she needs to be admitted to rehab, even by force if need be. Considering how long she has been like this, unfortunately I think an intervention is probably the only way to improve her condition. She has already proven to be a danger to herself and others, so definitely something needs to be done. I suggest calling some hotlines or talking to a school counselor about possible options.

I wish the best and I hope things start getting better soon.
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