Re: IDK why i wanna get pregnant. -
December 28th 2010, 09:29 PM
It would probably be best to talk to a fertility expert, however they may encourage you to wait a little bit longer before making an appointment. It usually is recommend that after a year of trying, couples make an appointment.
Sex for everyday really won't help if you aren't ovulating when you are having sex. There is a small window of opportunity to get pregnant. I know there are kits in the store to help figure out if you are ovulating, but I am not entirely sure how accurate those are. Some women also chart their body temperature and try to figure out whether or not they are ovulating, but once again it would differ only barely.
A possibility would be that there is an issue with him. Low sperm count can make conceiving difficult. But without running tests, it would be impossible to know what physical issues could be contributing to it.
Also, consider having both yourself and your partner checked for any silent STI's if you haven't before you two were married. It may be an infection left over from previous relationships so it is not a sign of cheating. STI's can cause difficulty with conceiving to infertility if not treated.
Are you also taking prenatal vitamins? I would also recommend staying away from caffeine or having a limited intake of it and making sure you are eating healthy. Try to avoid severe stress too.
Consider talking to some close female relatives like your mother, grandmother, and possibly aunts on your mother's side. You may also want to ask about whether or not it was difficult for your husband's mother to conceive too in relation to the possibility of a low-sperm count from the father.
Last edited by MisplacedDreamer; December 28th 2010 at 09:36 PM.