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bitesize Offline
Member since April '07
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - December 17th 2010, 08:59 PM

Urgh, that's what I meant!! I'm obviously not going to town if I have a fucking exam on Monday am I?? I said a couple of hours and I meant a couple of hours, why did you think seeing me was going to take the whole night?? I thought I had said I wasn't going out tonight?? I can literally only spare a couple of hours, and I had planned it so that I could use that time to see YOU, because in case you haven't noticed, we've seen each other for less than half an hour in the past two weeks, and that was when we basically had sex for two minutes and then you had to go. I mean come on, how fucking irresponsible do I seem?? Why would I go out on the piss and come home at five if I'm stressing over a stupid Italian literature exam in two days??I'm obviously not meeting up with you now, you said you were tired, it's ten at night and I have to get up early to study. Don't fucking pity me. Fuck you. I actually don't think I've ever been this annoyed at you. You won't see me now til Wednesday, which will barely even count. And the way you've been annoying me over the past couple of weeks is probably going to make me all distant with you when I do see you, ebcause thats the way I am, because I've been taken for granted in a relationship before and it is never going to happen again so I back off completely as soon as I get the slightest bad feeling. Just fuck you, it's your own fucking fault. Whatever. See you in five days I suppose.

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.
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