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Head Jimmie Rustler
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Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military? - December 16th 2010, 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by dr2005 View Post
I'd recommend watching the reimagined Battlestar Galactica's portrayals of Starbuck and Admiral Cain if you believe that to be the case. You will find that women are just as capable of being intimidating as men, and I can think of a number of other examples I could bring to bear.

A lot of the objections raised do seem to be based on stereotypes, and I find that quite frustrating. I would ask those objecting to provide evidence that the armed forces of the other NATO countries (including the UK), Russia or Australia and New Zealand have been detrimentally affected by allowing LGBT servicemen and servicewomen. I certainly cannot find any.
Ahh yes, the fearsome fighting forces of New Zealand, I cower in fear at the thought. They're about as scary as the SS, riding around in tanks with the death's head on their hats and destroying anything in their way with their fearsome gay battalions. Yes, after fighting the British, and winning, the Germans, and winning, the Germans again and wining, the Koreans, and winning, the Communists and winning, and... ohh wait I am talking about the USA, thecountry that doesn't let gays in. If some man ran up to me and started demanding my surrender in a lisp, sure, scary, but I'd die from laughing first, "Uhhhm excuse me, sir, I'm going to have to ask you to put fown your scary guns, it's not right to shoot people, mmmkay, so let's put them down and all be friends, mmmmkay doll?" Hahahaha..... But seriosuly, simply for bunking reasons it's not okay.

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