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Kyeto-X Offline
Angel without a Halo
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Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military? - December 16th 2010, 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by Matthew View Post

I don't have actual links, as I don't remember every URL I've ever seen but I remember at least one story where a group of female US soldiers stormed a building in Iraq (I believe) and they shouted for the terrorists inside to give up, and they just said no. Of course having a gun helps but put this way, same equipment, who's going to be more intimidating, a man or a woman?

Anyway, this is inconsequential, and for another topic. I think some people are misunderstanding my views however. I am totally for gay people to be in the military, I was simply asking people to consider both sides of the argument in that it does add a reputation, whether for good or for bad is up for other people to decide.
So if someone storms your building, points a M16 at you and your buddies and happens to have a lisp saying "Get down on the ground, peoplesssss. We mean busssssinessss..." You would NOT obey them??

I have seen men in full combat attire and look silly. I have also seen women armed with wooden sppons that scared the shit out of me (namely my mother). Having ovaries, long hair, or a an affection for romantic comedies (all of which are stereotypes) Deos not in ANY way ruin combat effectiveness. It has to do with strength of character, not the depth of your voice. If you need to have a deep voice to be imtimiating, we have technology for that availiable in toy stores everywhere. It's call ed a voice changer :P

Or we could just put Goa'uld in their heads :P

First of all, having a lisp or dancing around in fairy costumes does not make you gay any more then wearing a football jeresey and crushing a beercan on your head makes you straight. Second, It really doesn't matter HOW your voice sounds when you have a rifle in your hand, people will generally respond in the same way (fight, flight, or freeze) whether or not you roll your r's. and Thirdly, Again, as stated above, The militray have STRICT unifomr requirments that allows NO room for pink fairy tutu's over active camo.

I do not think that allow LGBTs into our military is going to effect our "fearsome" factor at all.

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Last edited by Kyeto-X; December 16th 2010 at 01:16 AM.