Member since April '07
I can't get enough *********
Age: 34
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Join Date: January 7th 2009
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
December 14th 2010, 04:41 PM
Urgh....I'm still annoyed, although I know I'm being silly so hopefully it's just PMS. Why did you give her an 'x' in your 'happy birthday' and not her?? And I wish you'd talk to me sooner. I'm paranoid after my last fuck up of a relationship that you're gonig to start taking me for granted, and as a result I'm getting bitchier towards you, and I don't want that. You've just been annoying me so much over the past few weeks, even though really I know it's not you, it's just me and I'm letting you get to me. It just annoys me that you're always the one to finish up the conversation, even though I know you have to study and stuff. And then I'm distant and stuff while we're talking and I always feel so bad afterwards that I have to go and apologise. I wish you could just see inside my head and humour me, because there's no way I'd humiliate myself enough to actually say this to you, especially because I know I'm being silly and stupid. And even talking to you now I'm aware of how much I've been doing this recently, how I'm being annoying to you when we talk because I'm letting my thoughts run away with me into being irritated at you and how you must not know why I'm being such a cow. I'm just scared of you thinknig I'm clingy, or getting used to me, or feeling like you're not bothered to make an effort with me any more. I'm sure you don't think those thigns but I'm scared of them happening.
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago ..... I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door ... ... Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear. Things are not always what they seem.