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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - December 11th 2010, 04:18 AM

Originally Posted by girlinluv View Post
I've got a few questions for the guys,
If a guy likes someone will he tell his guy friends?
Oh and do u guys ever feel self-concsious or embarrassed around someone you do like?
One more, what's something in a girl that's really a turn on for most guys?
1.) Well, it really depends...if its a person that none of his friends also like, then he might, but he won't go yelling it, maybe tell one-two people but probably not; I really wouldn't bank on it, guys tend not to talk about it amongst other guys for whatever reason...maybe occasionally but not all the time.
2.) Everybody does sometimes, guy or girl, dating or flirting or crushing on. Personally everybody could tell that I liked my girlfriend when we were still just friends, but yeah, I recall feeling self conscious sometimes.
3.) Also depends; could be a smile, a laugh, personality, figure; if the main turn on for the guy is that your sexy, you should probably reconsider liking him.