Re: I could be pregnant? -
November 26th 2010, 10:15 PM
As for where you should start? A pregnancy test. Don't think about anything else until you know if you're pregnant or not. Buy a pregnancy test and follow the directions, make sure you're taking it at the right time to make sure you get an accurate result.
If you find out that you're not pregnant, great. But it should teach you a lesson to practice safe sex. If you're going to have sex at your age (or any age) make sure you use some (or more) forms of protection. Always use a condom. It will protect you from STI's as well as pregnancy. Also, as another form of protection from pregnancy, you can use birth control. For which type you should use, speak to your doctor. There are many different types and you can speak to your doctor to help you decide which is best for you.
If the test comes back that you are pregnant, go to the doctors for a test to be sure. If you are pregnant then confide in people you trust. You partner/guy you had sex with and your family. Then, and only then should you think about the future and what you're going to do. There's no point thinking about it now until you know for sure.
Let us know how it goes, take care.