Thread: I'm Pregnant.
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Re: I'm Pregnant. - November 23rd 2010, 04:24 AM

I'm sorry you have to go through this, I don't know what it's like to make this sort of decition at all, but I do, as other users have said, hope you are sure of your decision and I really hope that you understand the importance of this decision. It sounds like your a really smart person, I just hope you look at this with different prospectives. I feel the father of the baby should know, I can say that if I were in your situation, I'd definitely tell the father that I was pregnant. Half of that baby is him and half is you, yes, you have to carry that baby in your stomach, yes you'd have to find somewhere for it to go if you didn't abort, but I know this is your decision and I can't change what you decide for yourself. I know that this is an extremely hard decision to make, so you shouldn't be making it alone, having the support of other people around you might be very helpful in dealing with this. Can you tell anyone in your life about this? Your parents, the father, a really really close friend, a counselor, anyone? You are going to need emotional support afterwards most likely and I think it would be easier if you tell someone that you are aborting before you abort instead of after you abort, that way when you do need emotional support, the person will know and have had time to take it in, because even those close to you might find this difficult to look at. Also, that person you tell will be able to be there with you if you want someone to go with you to the abortion possibly, having someone there when you are having the abortion might be helpful and reduce the feelings you may have when going in, because you will know that someone you care about is being there with you through this time.
I hope I have helped and if you ever need anything, you can PM me, I'm here a lot and I love helping or just listening. Good luck with this and I hope you are doing okay.

"i don't care your intentions. I just want you to know my self-hatred never took me where I wanted to go. At the end of the day...I can pick at the pain but I can't cut it away."
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