I read every single reply. Would like to say a great big thank you for all the supportive replies.
What do you think it is? A boy or a girl? Name him/her. I know I had dreams before I found out of a boy. I decided to name him James Anthony. It helps to be able to do that sometimes.
I'd love to name my baby, I think it'd make me feel better, knowing I gave him/her identity before I made my decision.. Thanks for your reply, your whole post was very eye-opening, I am sorry for what you had to go through.
You're only 4 weeks pregnant...you still have time to think this through some more. I'm sure you have already thought about this carefully and made a wise decision as you are very young to have a baby, but you also need to think about how you will cope with the emotional pain. I think the ideas in the posts above are good.
Well, maybe it is early days.. but I don't want to think about it anymore.. I want to get it over and done with. The emotional pain will be hard, but it's better than me bringing up a baby I can't afford or properly care for.
Thank you for your reply, greatly appreciated.
I didn't abort my baby, but I did have a miscarriage.
The things I do to cope are writing to her, about her, and drawing things that I dreamt for her.
If you need anything at all, feel free to PM me.
*Hugs* & Good luck.
I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage.. You're ideas are really great, thank you very much,
Abortion is a tough thing to go through... I did it at 4 weeks. I choose medical (the pills) instead of surgical(a thin vacuum) so I could be home during the abortion.
I went through the whole abortion without pain killers (my brother couldn't pick them up in time until near the end) and it was the most painful experience I'd ever felt... so, if you decide a medical, be sure to have pain killers right away.
The after math physically of a medical abortion is that of a heavy period. You feel nauseated and in pain, so the pain killers are great in that case.
I am definately doing the medical.. but it sounds so painful and awful.. but I'd rather be at home I guess. Although both sound absolutely awful. What sort of painkillers, just paracetamols?
Thanks so much for your reply, and I'm sorry for the pain you had to suffer.
I replied to the replies that stood out to me the most. Thank you very much for all your support. I have to go down to the doctors and pick something up and talk about the hospital, what would I be picking up?