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Re: "My Teacher Bullied Me" - November 14th 2010, 01:13 AM

I'm probably going to be bashed for this, but I actually think this girl is overreacting. I have been picked on in the past, I have low self-esteem, but I can also take a joke. Teachers have joked with me like this before, and I know that they don't mean anything by it. The teacher was just trying to be funny. He wasn't trying to hurt her or "bully" her. If you watch the video and listen to the recording, this is evident. His voice just drips sarcasm.

I think removing her from the class was a bit extreme. From what I gathered, this is the teacher's first offense. I'm sure if she had simply spoken to him and let him know how this made her feel, he would have stopped. I don't see that she had any reason to report him to the school straightaway. This teacher had no malicious intent. I feel that kids in this day and age lead a much too sheltered life. People can hardly say or do anything without someone turning around and accusing them of something.

But that's just how I feel.