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  (#3298 (permalink)) Old
savealife723 Offline
i live. i laugh. i love.
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Age: 29
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - November 7th 2010, 04:20 AM

dear you...

i'm sorry that i was such a heavy heart to carry.
i'm sorry that i probably dragged you down.
i'm sorry that my arms were always around your neck.
i'm sorry that i made you protect both your heart and mine.
i'm sorry that when you said "i love you" it didn't feel like a blessing.
i'm sorry my love threw you over a metaphorical waterfall.
i'm sorry you had to put up with me.
and i'm sorry that the only way i can think of saying sorry to you is by the words to this song.

but the song has to end eventually, and now here's my way of saying it...
you deserved this six months ago.. i'm sorry it took so long.

i miss you. i cared about you so much, but i understand why you couldn't love me anymore. i put too much pressure on you. i understand. i never meant to hurt you. i never meant to make you cry. i never meant to drag you across the ground. i just wanted you. you were enough for me. and i didn't realize it till it was too late. i love you so much. i still do. i would do anything to be back with you. they won't let me talk to you, they yell at me when i smile at you in the hallway, they always leave me whenever i say your name, but i don't need them. you're enough for me. please believe me. i know that we ended seven months ago. i know that you found someone new. i know that you're happy.. and that's all i've ever wanted for you. i'm just.. i'm sorry.. i'm so sorry. i can't tell you how many nights i just lay in my bed crying that i hurt you. crying that i let you down. crying that i let go of the best thing that's ever happened to me. they bring me so much pain, but i just dwell on our memories. the conversations we had. the connection we had. everything about you and i was so perfect it seemed. i couldn't see that i was hurting you the entire time. that i was putitng too much on you. i'm so sorry. i blame myself. i can't stop blaming myself for this. you deserve so much better than me, and maybe that's why you're with this new girl.. it kills me inside... it's killing me inside. it's so hard to stand up when you're the one who taught me to land on my feet. it's hard waking up each morning knowing that i'm still angry over the times that i ruined. i love you. i will always love you. and i'm so sorry for everything i did..

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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