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savealife723 Offline
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Re: ....Is this rape....? - November 7th 2010, 04:54 AM


To answer your first question, yes, that is indeed rape. It doesn't matter if it's a family member, friend, or stranger, if they are making you have sex with them and it's unwanted, than that is rape, and it's not okay.

I know that it may be hard for you to seek some help from an adult, but I strongly encourage you to. You can't keep going on and keeping this in, because the flashbacks will never stop if you're not taken out of the situation. I think that maybe going to talk to your school counselor would be a really good idea, or even talking to a teacher that you trust. They will be able to help you in a better way than we can. I know it seems hard to do, and that it's scary, but it will be for your benefit. You can not be stuck in this situation.

About the cutting, this is in no way your fault. You can't control the people around you, and harming yourself will not get you anywhere. Cutting is very dangerous and it can easily be lead into many more things. I started cutting in seventh grade and it grew into an addiction. I thought it would help me, I thought it took away reality, but it doesn't. And later on, you'll have to look back on those scars, and you'll feel the very emotion that you felt when you put the scar there. Trust me, you don't want to carry around this emotion for the rest of your life. Cutting is so very dangerous.

Please, please, please, talk to someone about this. Not only about your sister, but also the self-harm. Anyone that you feel safe talking to. A teacher. The principal. The counselor. Just anyone. Please get some help.

If you ever need anything, or want someone to talk to, you can always message me. I hope that you take care of yourself.

- Kaylaaa.

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
I will walk with you, so you're never alone.