Originally Posted by The sad one
Im happy I made the first of about 16 cuts so far...
Originally Posted by Teenagegypsy
have over 18 cuts on my wrist right now
Originally Posted by The sad one
Now its 7 cuts.
Dear girls, you are deeply scaring me (especially the quotes quoted.) I am genuinely scared you will go about this to try to out-cut each other and one of you may end up in hospital or die. I'm not sure if you really cut, making fun of people who cut, or want to fit into a stereotype - but no matter the cause because either one of those means you need to talk to someone outside of the internet. I suggest you visit the Self Harm Alternatives thread or go see a therapist or talk to your parents or a trusted adult because you don't seem to be listening to anyone on here, all your doing is posting how many injuries you have which is very disturbing because it seems your playing a "how many cuts do you have/I have more cuts than you" game and it's just not healthy.
Take care and be nice to yourselves because you don't deserve the pain you bring to yourselves. Cutting/self-harm is very addictive and you should stop while you're ahead. Go outside and breathe the fresh air, ride a bike, take a ride to the store or a park, take a bath, listen to music - anything to keep you from doing this to yourself. Run/walk, if you can, because it releases the same chemicals self-injury does and it's very effective to lower urges!