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  (#3259 (permalink)) Old
Twinge Offline
Forever we'll just lay here
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Name: Vint Fall
Age: 29
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Location: The Abyss of your Psyche

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - October 30th 2010, 05:49 PM

i'd say this to some people from facebook(and other chat sites) and from my school, i really want to but i'd be rude... curse my niceness. -.-

i was always afraid to tell you this, but i think you are really making people like the who you are not. stop pretending already! i hate hanging out with fakes all the time, 90 % of you are... and i wish you'd show the real yourself so i can be myself too. i can't! you're a gossiper that won't show. and stop talking around about me being quiet, it's so embarrassing and your poison talk is an insult to many people's intellectuality, including mine. plus, it does nothing to help the situation between you and me. if you don't change yourself, neither will i. i don't care whatever you think about me, because you dunno me and what i offer to people i really like. if you don't want to be my friend or a person that deserves my respect, suit yourself!

to my best friend:

i hate being one of your friends when i really care about you. you don't return anything to me. :/ looks like you don't see it.
and i wish we could meet in reality, i really do. people here are just killing me and i miss having a real shoulder that i need, that's you. if i get the chance to meet and have a friend like you HERE... i'll be happier than anyone. and one thing i wanted to tell you is that i'm tired of being jealous. you don't deserve it. i'm treating you the way am not supposed to, it just hurts...

I moved back while
my head was turned.

Upside down
closer to the end.

Afraid of the dark
within future times.

I'm drowning there,
my final chase.
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