Originally Posted by Saphire
I know friends that have sent photos to their boyfriends, and even now those boyfriends are ex-boyfriends the pictures haven't been sent around or anything. I really do just think it depends on the amount of trust that's there.
Hi Saphire!!
I hope you're having a dandy day.
I appreciate what you're saying. And you're probably right - in most cases.
But what
IF some day you wish to become the mayor of your town or city or whatever. OR maybe the principal of the local high school. How would you feel knowing that naughty photos of you are floating 'out there' somewhere? Photos that could be - and would be - used against you. You might argue that it wouldn't matter to YOU who might get to see those photos - but believe me - this world of ours is still surprisingly immature when it comes to anything 'naked'. It's just safer not to give anyone anything that 'they' could use against you.
That's what I think!!