Originally Posted by Dasha
I can understand if the ONLY option, and the killer is right there. But it is not justifiable if you have time to track a assumed killer down to kill him yourself. I am NOT drawing any line between self defense and the defense of others, you never heard me say so. I merely said there were other options than to seek out and kill him. If you knew a guy might be coming to murder you, do you seek him out first to kill him? Or run and contact the authority's. It is the SAME exact thing I am saying to do, how is that drawing a line? If anything it puts them closer together rather than separating them with the proverbial line.
But the fact that other options exist doesn't make the killing unjustifiable. Yes, contacting the police is perhaps a safer option, but the difference is mainly one of tactics rather than one of moral justifiability. While going to the authorities may have a slight moral edge, that in no way means that killing would be an immoral course of action. Either option is morally justifiable as it is performed to prevent a greater harm.